Posted by Greenbrier First United Methodist Church on Sunday, February 23, 2020
Our Sunday services are specifically designed to be a place where all people can have a dynamic encounter in the presence of God. We offer two distinctly different services. The 9:00 a.m. worship is traditional in style with organ, piano and the traditional hymns of our faith. We utilize Powerpoint slides for all aspects of worship although you are free to pick up a hymnal in the pew and follow along. The preaching of God’s Word utilizes media such as Powerpoint and video to help challenge us and bring us to the place of change. Sermon notes are included as an aid to help you reflect on God’s Word during the week. Our 11:00 service is contemporary in style with a full band and contemporary Christian music that you would hear on K-Love. Although this service is often thought to cater to the younger generation, you will be surprised at the cross-section you will find at this service.
We sure hope not. A life connected to Jesus should be fulfilling and rewarding. We plan our Sunday worship services to engage your heart, mind and soul. We use music, video, Biblical teaching and other experiential elements to help you connect to God in a meaningful way. You will often find yourself smiling and laughing as we share in the celebration of God’s love
WHAT SHOULD I WEAR? You can wear a suit or shorts. Whatever you’re comfortable in. We are much more concerned about what’s going on inside of a person, than what they are wearing on the outside. Most of our folks come in jeans and whatever they are comfortable in. During the summer months our pastor usually is in jeans/pants and a polo shirt. So just come as you are.
We offer a wonderful fully staffed nursery during both of our services and a children’s church time during the 11:00 service where experienced teachers will help your children learn about God in a relevant way, as well as offer fun experiences that will help the teaching come alive in their hearts. The young kids get to spend the first part of the service worshipping God with their parents and then are dismissed for their children’s time before the sermon time.
If it’s your first time, we actually want you to keep your wallet in your pocket. Just come and experience a service at GreenbrierFMC. If you like it and want to call it your church home, then we believe giving financially to God and His church is the right thing to do as part of the family.